In these powerful 3 Days you will be Empowered to Unleash your Genius and Master your Life

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Ready To Unleash your Genius?

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Introducing Our Two SuperGenius® Coaching Programmes

And What You Will Learn On Each One: 

This is what you will learn from our 3 Day SuperGenius Life Workshop

  • How to Evolve your Purpose in Life

  • Create Loving and Intimate Relationships

  • How to Overcome your Self Sabotaging Ego

  • Create more Fulfilment and Happiness

  • Master your Mental and Emotional Self

  • Take your Spiritual Journey to Another Level

  • Learn Unique Superconscious Meditations

  • Heal Fear, Anxiety, Anger & Depression

  • Unleash your Unique Genius and Talents

  • Create a Life Doing what You Love 

  • Create your Goals Imaginatively & Intuitively

What Is Superconsciousness And How It Will Empower You...

I invite you to join our SuperGenius® p3 Day Workshop where you can learn how to apply Superconsciousness to create what you want in your life, business, career, and relationships.

Let me explain briefly how Superconsciousness works...

We essentially have two minds.  Our Unconscious Ego and our Superconscious Genius.

Our Unconscious Ego will sabotage us and compromise our results

Our Unconscious Ego is like a hard drive of all our past experiences specifically designed to keep us safe and in survival mode.  This was created to protect us especially when we were young.

The problem is that we are hard wired to survive.  So any time we want to achieve more, evolve our consciousness, create more love, earn more wealth, become more successful, shine our light in the world through books, speaking, social media.  Our Unconscious Ego reminds us of all our past experiences where we were rejected, criticised, abandoned, failed, were embarrassed, humiliated, felt worthless and manipulates our consciousness through our thoughts and feelings to stay safe and survive.

Without learning how to heal your Unconscious Ego you will always allow your thoughts and feelings to sabotage your actions and compromise your life.  

Our Superconscious Mind is where we find our Genius

The Superconscious Mind is where our unique Genius, creativity, intuition, and imagination exists. When we unleash our Superconscious Mind we will be able to overcome whatever is holding us back so we can create wealth, love, happiness, healing and vitality.

When we unleash our Superconscious Mind we can be clear on our purpose and intuitively know what actions to take in any given moment.

Our career or businesses can be successful because we will be able to be present in our decision making instead of letting our emotions get the better of us. We will come about with new ideas and strategies that can help make us a leader in our company or industry.

Our relationships can improve because we can be more present with what we want in a relationship as well as be more open to connecting with others compassionately.

Our health and vitality can improve because when we are connected to our Genius Mind we will have a clear purpose in our lives and that leads to the inspiration and motivation we need to follow our purpose.

I invite you to join me in our SuperGenius®  3 Day Workshop where I will personally teach you powerful superconscious meditations and visualisations that will raise your consciousness so that you can innovate new ideas for your business/career, evolve your relationships to a new level of love, raise your vibration so that you can heal yourself, create a life that your truly love and enjoy.  

I will also be hosting weekly coaching calls so that I can personally coach you, inspire you and empower you to unleash your Genius and Master your Life.

Join us today and I look forward to welcoming you to our SuperGenius® community! 

Ryan Pinnick

CEO and Founder of SuperGenius®

Monthly Interactive Coaching Calls

Live interactive coaching calls when we dive into the struggles, emotions and blockages you are feeling and discuss how exactly you can overcome them in a  healthy, lasting way, and stay focused on your end results. These calls are immensely valuable because you can ask your most pressing questions and have them answered on the call, and you never know what life-changing piece of knowledge you might learn that will just turn everything around for you.

Meditations and Visualisations

Starting with the Subsconscious Mind Meditation, this meditation can help you delve deep into your subconscious to reprogramme your negative thoughts and patterns into thoughts that will empower you instead. Renewed positive energy and vibrations will occur to help you focus on and achieve your goals. You'll find that new meditations and visualisations are often shared during the actual live coaching calls which you can benefit from immediately by accessing the recordings.

Exclusive SuperGenius Life Community

With Life Members having access to over dozens of hours of recorded content and Entrepreneur Members having access to over 30 hours of recorded content, there are hours of training and video content available for you to take advantage of immediately. The amount of value and inspiration you will get from these calls cannot be underestimated. Watch through them all and pick up golden nuggets of information, techniques and tools that you can apply to your life straight away. 

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Here's What You Get In Each Coaching Level:

Genius Coaching

  • Weekly 60 Minute Personal Development Virtual Mastermind Meeting - Interactive sessions where you can ask questions, get answers, participate in live activities and meditations
  • Immediate access to the past 8 weeks' coaching calls packed full of content to help you create what you love (even in these times)
  • Immediate access to Meditations and Visualisations to help you find your purpose, create what you want in your life and fulfil your potential, these are available for you to use immediately
  • Immediate access to exclusive video content containing  inspiration, tips and guidance on different areas of life such as maintaining healthy relationships and dealing with negative emotions, plus more
  • Access to an exclusive community of like-minded people who want to be great, happy and make a difference in the world
  • PLUS A FREE TICKET To Our 2-Day SuperGenius Life Virtual Workshop! (RRP £375)

Entrepreneur Coaching

  • Weekly 60 Minute Entrepreneur Online Mastermind Meeting - Interactive sessions where you can ask any questions regarding business, growth, sales, marketing.
  • Immediate access to the past 8 weeks' coaching calls packed full of content to help you grow your business, including how to do marketing for your business, how to make sales, how to create landings pages and ads for your product or service plus much more
  • Plus All The Benefits From The Genius Level Such As:
  • Weekly 60 Minute Personal Development Online Mastermind Meeting 
  • Exclusive Meditations and Visualisations to help you find your purpose, create what you want in your life and fulfil your potential - accessible immediately
  • Immediate access to exclusive video content containing  inspiration, tips and guidance on different areas of life such as maintaining healthy relationships and dealing with negative emotions, plus more
  • Plus your own Entrepreneur community of business owners who want to grow their business and be successful whilst making a difference in the world
  • PLUS A FREE TICKET To Our 2-Day SuperGenius Life Virtual Workshop! (RRP £375)

Our SuperGenius® Student Testimonials

What Other SuperGenius® Students Are Saying:

Angela Byrne

“So, empowering, unlike anything I have ever done before. I feel sorry for anyone who shuns this, they are truly missing out.”


Lee Wyress

“SuperGenius was a truly life-changing experience for me. I now know that I can change my life effortlessly and that my ego doesn’t need to sabotage me.”

Naomi Coupland

"It gives you a chance to learn a lot about yourself and the decision you make. Gives tools and exercises to help with life decisions and encourages you to follow your vision. I would encourage anyone to go for it because guaranteed you will come out from it with a completely different outlook in your life."

Rachel Johnson

Helps you get your life in order and prioritise what it is that’s important to you. Break ingrained negative cycles and move forward with amazing tools. Amazing energy and very relatable host. Life changing experience!

Margo Sabillo Ochoa

“I have experienced self-development workshops before but nothing like what I’ve experienced with SuperGenius!” 

Sofia Garcia Ladera

“From my heart to yours, I can't tell you how much what you and the teachings are changing my life at an exponential rate for the better.”

Lynne Norledge

"Ryan’s unique structures give you a wide new perspective on how to view your business and how to create your wildest dreams – which start to feel possible! I learnt how I’m holding myself back in particular and how to use his techniques to move forward. I learnt the huge benefits you gain from being and waking in a genius community."

Horatiu Babau

"It helped me connect to a place in my heart that was foreign to me by now, and embody the vision that was waiting for me to discover. Now I have much more insights about what I want to do in business and how to go in creating what I truly desire."

Chantel Blake

"The best investment I have made in my personal development in a long while and I am fired up and ready to create magic."


Nicki Murphy

Ryan takes what can be very intense and heavy and makes it accessible and funny. Creating an open, warm and connected environment to produce life-changing results – thank you!”


"You feel super empowered with a massive sense of self belief and that anything is possible. I realised what stops me from succeeding in different areas of my life. Ryan is incredible, high energy with a great sense of humour."

Mark Loach

“Ryan Pinnick is refreshingly insightful as a teacher with simply the most powerful practical techniques to share.”

Nikki Pratt

"It gave me insight into my genius and ego. Things I wasn’t aware of! I’d recommend this to anyone wanting to take their self-development to the next level!"

Gertrude Njoroge

“A life changing and very practical approach to everything being taught. Love the way Ryan teaches with genuine humour. I can really see how I have been getting in my own way and I’ve learnt now how to stop doing this going forward.” 

Ahmed Shafjiee

"Changes your life and allows you to use your full potential you didn’t know about. Ryan makes a movement in other people’s life even without them realising it. Thank you, Ryan, SuperGenius LTD, the team."

Jane Iskander

“I have defined my business, developed business understanding. I now have focus and direction my dreams previously lacked! Thanks Ryan!”

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A Note From Ryan Pinnick, Your Mentor & Coach

Dear Friend,

I think because of my struggles in life I have developed a deep compassion for other people as such I want you to have the same tools that I learnt because I truly want people to have the best life possible.

I grew up in South Africa with a tyrant alcoholic as a father and as a result my entire childhood was traumatic. My father was very alcoholic and abusive towards my mother and I. Mostly towards my mother. He was the president of a motorcycle club and often got into violent fights which I often witnessed because I spent a lot of weekends at the bar where my dad was.

We had a lot of issues with money and my parents went bankrupt twice and in both instances I ended up living elsewhere.

At the age of 19 I became a father but as a result of my dysfunctional past one thing lead to another and I lost contact with my daughter. That was my breaking point because I spiralled out of control becoming alcoholic and addicted to recreational drugs.

Despite all that I had an incredible work ethic as a result of spending a lot time my traditional grandparents and despite my troubles, I was able to get a bursary to study electrical engineering. I was responsible for installing one of the first video over IP solutions in South Africa for Vodacom and a result was headhunted in the UK and ended moving to London.

At the age of 24 the darkness of my addiction made me desperate and I embarked on a journey of personal development.

During that time I was fortunate to study and often work with some of the world's leading teachers in personal development and wealth creation. Despite my close proximity to the best teachers, I found that my results were inconsistent and the processes I had learnt were confusing, time-consuming and contradictory.

During this time I also discovered entrepreneurship so I quit my job at 26 and started dealing in property. I had many successes and failures along the way.

At 30 I was introduced to superconsciousness which is an easy, effective and revolutionary method that led me to evolve into a better person on a daily basis to create a life I love. In 2014 I stopped trading in property to launch a seminar company SuperGenius, which has since become one of the UK’s leading personal development providers teaching thousands of people how to unleash their Genius and Master their Lives.

Despite now having a wonderful life having made my personal dreams come true. My greatest achievement is having inner peace, happiness and the ability to respond to any situation knowing that I can use Superconsciousness to create a desired outcome. And I want you to have the same tools that I learnt.

I hope you join our SuperGenius Coaching Platform and I look forward to sharing with you this wonderful evolutionary method to creating what you love because it’s the only method that worked for me on a consistent basis to achieve what I wanted in all areas of life.

Ryan Pinnick

CEO & Founder of SuperGenius®

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